Familial abdominal aortic aneurysms | COL3A1 (AD), loci 19q13, 4q31, 9p21 | Abdominal aortic aneurysm |
Arterial tortuosity syndrome | SLC2A10 (AR) | Generalized tortuosity of the arterial bed including aorta, arterial stenosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, aneurysm of medium-sized arteries, ascending aortic dilatation, macrocephaly, characteristic facies, high-arched palate, micrognathia, keratoconus, inguinal and diaphragmatic hernias, intestinal elongation, joint laxity, joint contractures, muscular hypotonia, hyperelastic skin |
Bicuspid aortic valve with thoracic aortic aneurysms | NOTCH1, KCNJ2, others (AD) | Ascending aortic dilatation, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic valve calcification |
Congenital contractural arachnodactyly | FBN2 (AD), unknown locus heterogeneity | Ascending aortic dilatation, mitral valve prolapse, cranial abnormality, ear dysmorphism “crumpled” with folded upper helix, high-arched palate, retro/micrognathia, keratoconus, myopia, arachnodactyly, joint contractions of knees and ankles that may improve with age, flexion contractures of small digital joints, hip contractures, thumb adduction, clubfoot, paradoxical patellar laxity, pyeloureteral junction stenosis, “marfanoid habitus,” motor developmental delay, muscular hypoplasia, osteopenia/osteoporosis/fractures, pectus deformities, scoliosis, protrusio acetabuli, striae |
Cutis laxa | ELN (AD), FBLN5 (AD, AR-type 1), FBLN4 (AR-type 1), ATP6V0A2 (AR-type 2), P5CS (AR-type 2), PYCR1 (AR-type 2), ATP7A (X-linked) | Generally: loose, redundant, inelastic skin, ascending aortic dilatation, medium vessel aneurysms, arterial tortuosity, enlarged anterior fontanel, hernias, diverticula, lung abnormalities, visceral prolapse, joint laxity or contractures, motor development delay, muscular hypotonia, osteopenia/osteoporosis/fractures (bone fragility), intellectual impairment/developmental delay AD: TAA, inguinal hernia, emphysema AR1: infantile ... |