This updated full-color edition of Essentials of Toxicology distills the major principles and concepts of toxicology that were described in detail in the eighth edition of Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. We are grate-ful to the authors who contributed to the eighth edition of Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poi-sons; their chapters in the parent text provided the foundation for the chapters in this edition of Essentials of Toxicology.
Essentials of Toxicology concisely describes the expansive science of toxicology, and includes important concepts from anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry to facilitate the understanding of the principles and mechanisms of toxicant action on specific organ systems. We trust that this book will assist students in undergraduate and graduate courses in toxicology, as well as students from other disciplines, to develop a strong foundation in the concepts and principles of toxicology.
The book is organized into seven units: (1) General Principles of Toxicology; (2) Disposition of Toxicants; (3) Nonorgan-directed Toxicity; (4) Target Organ Toxicity; (5) Toxic Agents; (6) Environmental Toxicology; and (7) Applications of Toxicology. A summary of key points is included at the beginning of each chapter, and a set of review questions is provided at the end of each chapter. We in-vite readers to send us suggestions of ways to improve this text and we appreciate the thoughtful recommendations that we received on the last edition.
We would like to acknowledge all individuals who were involved in this project. We particularly give a heartfelt and sincere thanks to our families for their love, patience, and support during the preparation of this book. We especially appreciate Richard J. Batka and Alyssa Shapiro who provided invaluable assistance on this project. The capable advice, guidance, and assistance of the McGraw-Hill staff is gratefully acknowledged. Finally, we thank our students for their enthusiasm for learning and what they have taught us during their time with us.