Jennie Epstein Anderson, BA
Coordinator of Health Literacy Studies
Harvard School of Public Health
Thomas J. Armstrong, PhD, MPH
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Environmental Sciences
38. Ergonomics and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
Research Fellow in Hospital Epidemiology
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine, Siriraj Hospital
12G. Group A Streptococcal Diseases
Michael Deryck Attfield, BSc, PhD, FSS
Surveillance Branch Chief
Division of Respiratory Disease Studies
Morgantown, West Virginia
24. Coal Worker’s Lung Diseases
Francisco Averhoff, MD, MPH
Epidemiology and Surveillance Division
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Professor and Associate Chair
Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology
University of Utah School of Medicine
Pediatric Residency Office
Primary Children’s Medical Center
12F. Cytomegalovirus Infections
Fellow in Infectious Diseases
University of Alabama at Birmingham
13J. Human Enteric Coccidial Infections
William H. Barker, MD, FRCP Edin
Preventive Medicine and Gerontology
71. Prevention of Disability in Older Persons
Gonzalo M.L. Bearman, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Community Medicine
Associate Hospital Epidemiologist
Virginia Commonwealth University
12G. Group A Streptococcal Diseases
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
46. Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Linda S. Birnbaum, PhD, DABT
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
30. Brominated Flame Retardants
Kristine M. Bisgard, DVM, MPH
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Robert Edward Black, MD, MPH
Edgar Berman Professor & Chair
Department of International Health
Bloomberg School of Public Health
13D. Escherichia coli Diarrhea
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
University of Utah School of Medicine
12F. Cytomegalovirus Infections
Peter B. Bloland, DVM, MPVM
Malaria Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Director, Community Guide
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
57. Community Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Professor of Psychiatry & Preventive Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
State University of New York at Stony Brook
69. Psychiatric Disorders
Professor of Epidemiology
School of Public Health, Saint Louis University
Editor of Section V: Noncommunicable and Chronic Disabling Conditions
Joanna Buffington, MD, MPH
Division of Viral Hepatitis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Life Sciences
20B. Neurobehavioral Toxicity
21. Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessment
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
14. Control of Infections in Institutions: Healthcare-Associated Infections
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9H. Haemophilus Influenzae Infections
George W. Christopher, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
79A. Disaster Preparedness and Response
Chairman, San Antonio Military Pediatric Center
Office of the Army Surgeon General
Department of Pediatrics, Brooke Army Medical Center
79A. Disaster Preparedness and Response
Enrique Cifuentes, MD, PhD
Children’s Hospital, Morelos, (Mexico)
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
42. Environmental Justice
Richard W. Clapp, DSc, MPH
Professor, Boston University
Adjunct Professor, University of Massachusetts
28. Polychlorinated Biphenyls
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Stephen L. Cochi, MD, MPH
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wilson M. Compton, MD, MPE
Director, Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research
National Institute on Drug Abuse
56. Prevention of Drug Use and Drug Use Disorders
Professor and Vice Chair of Psychiatry
Carver College of Medicine
55. Alcohol-Related Health Problems
Margaret Mary Cortese, MD
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Physician-in-Chief, Professor and Chair
University of Texas Health Center at Tyler
65. Respiratory Disease Prevention
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Clinical Professor, Maternal and Child Health
Department of Social Medicine
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
79B. Maternal and Child Health
Professor of Medicine and Public Health
Yale Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program
31. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Dean and Professor of Epidemiology
Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University
11. The Epidemiology and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Associate Director, Health Economics and Clinical Outcomes Research, Medical Affairs Centocor Incorporated
73. Postmarketing Medication Safety Surveillance
Roy L. DeHart, MD, MPH, MS
Professor and Medical Director
Corporate Health Services
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Leslie K. Dennis, MS, PhD
Department of Epidemiology
Department of Animal Science
Janice S. Dorman, MS, PhD
Associate Dean for Scientific & International Affairs
University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing
D. Peter Drotman, MD, MPH
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
11. The Epidemiology and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Maureen S. Durkin, PhD, DrPH
Department of Population Health Sciences
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and Waisman Center
70. Childhood Cognitive Disability
Michael B. Edmond, MD, MPH, MPA
Professor of Internal Medicine, Epidemiology and Community Health
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Edward M. Eitzen, Jr., MD, MPH
Adjunct Associate Professor of Emergency
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
79A. Disaster Preparedness and Response
Internal Medicine Department
12A. Acute Respiratory Infections
Laverne K. Eveland, MS, PhD
California State University
Mariana Irina Gonzalez Fernandez, BA
Student, Master in Sciences (Environmental Health)
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
42. Environmental Justice
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
20B. Neurobehavioral Toxicity
Respiratory Diseases Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Lawrence J. Fine, MD, DrPH
National Institutes of Health
40. Surveillance and Health Screening in Occupational Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9H. Haemophilus Influenzae Infections
Drexel University School of Public Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
19. The Status of Environmental Health
36. Nonionizing Radiation
Jacob K. Frenkel, MD, PhD
Post-graduate Fellow, Adult and Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
10. Epidemiology and Trends in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
81. Violence in the Family as a Public Health Concern
Howard Frumkin, MD, MPH, DrPH
National Center for Environmental Health
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
42. Environmental Justice
Kristine M. Gebbie, DrPH, RN
Elizabeth Standish Gill Professor of Nursing
Columbia University School of Nursing
79D. Public Health Workforce
Michael Gochfeld, MD, PhD
Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Robert W. Johnson Medical School
20A. Principles of Toxicology
20B. Neurobehavioral Toxicity
21. Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessment
Philippe Grandjean, MD, DMSc
Professor of Environmental Medicine
University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Public Health
Adjunct Professor of Environmental Health
Harvard School of Public Health
26. Health Significance of Metal Exposures
Alan E. Greenberg, MD, MPH
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services
Washington, District of Columbia
11. The Epidemiology and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer
Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch
Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Marta A. Guerra, DVM, MPH, PhD
Senior Staff Epidemiologist
Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
15C. Rickettsial Infections
Team Leader, Herpes Viruses Team
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9I. Varicella and Herpes Zoster
Clinical Internal Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Iowa Health Care
63. Renal and Urinary Tract Disease
University of Iowa College of Public Health
80. Injury Control: The Public Health Approach
Robert F. Herrick, MS, ScD
Harvard School of Public Health
Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16B1. Bacterial Zoonoses-Psittacosis
Senior Public Health Scientist
Task Force for Child Survival and Development
5. Public Health Informatics
Donald R. Hopkins, MD, MPH
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Director of TB Chest Clinic and Clinical Services
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Occupational Medicine
Director, Program in Global Infectious Diseases
Emory University, School of Medicine
8B. Emerging Microbial Threats to Health and Security
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
Corinne G. Husten, MD, MPH
Office on Smoking and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
54. Tobacco: Health Effects and Control
Director, Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
11. The Epidemiology and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Jeffrey L. Jones, MD, MPH
Chief, Diagnostics and Epidemiology
Parasitic Diseases Branch
Division of Parasitic Diseases
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
S. Patrick Kachur, MD, MPH, FACPM
Chief, Strategic and Applied Sciences Unit, Malaria Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Global Disease Detection Division
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Community Health Sciences
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
75. Structure and Function of the Public Health System in the U.S.
Medicine and Community Health
University of Massachusetts Medical School
66. Musculoskeletal Disorders
W. Monroe Keyserling, PhD
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
38. Ergonomics and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
Jay S. Keystone, MD, MSc, FRCPC
8C. Health Advice for International Travel
Director, Scientist Redirection Program
Director, Iraqi Interim Center for Science & Industry
Embassy of the United States of America
34. Temperature and Health
Ralph Edgington Chair in Medicine
University of Southern California
23. Asbestos and Other Fibers
32. Pulmonary Responses to Gases and Particles
Louis V. Kirchhoff, MD, MPH
Departments of Internal Medicine & Epidemiology
Elizabeth A. Kleiner, MD, MS
Division of Infectious Disease
Medical College of Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University
R. Monina Klevens, DDS, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
14. Control of Infections in Institutions
Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
National Institutes of Health
16J. Lymphatic Filariasis
Chief, Cancer Control Branch
California Department of Public Health
Editor of Section IV: Behavioral Factors Affecting Health
Editor of Section VII: Injury and Violence
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
13D. Escherichia coli Diarrhea
Katrina Kretsinger, MD, MA
Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch
Division of Bacterial Diseases
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health Management and Policy
St. Louis University, School of Public Health
78D. Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement
Director, Kentucky Public Health Leadership Institute
University of Kentucky College of Public Health
78B. Public Health Leadership Development
Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc
Department of Community and Preventive Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
45. Health Hazzards of Child Labor
Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology
Department, Epidemiology & Community Medicine
3. Ethics and Public Health Policy
52. Human Health in a Changing World
Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine
Chair, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System
10. Epidemiology and Trends in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Director, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
15B. Epidemiology of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
Department of Community and Preventive Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
27. Diseases Associated with Exposure to Chemical Substances
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
55. Alcohol-Related Health Problems
Professor of Epidemiology
Director, Center for Public Health Preparedness and Biosecurity
University of Texas School of Public Health
79A. Disaster Preparedness and Response
Division of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Department of Community Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
27. Diseases Associated with Exposure to Chemical Substances
Epidemiology Fellow, Office of Global Research
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Chief, Program Evaluation Section
California Department of Health Services Richmond, California
7. Genetic Determinants of Disease and Genetics in Public Health
Department of Community and Behavioral Health
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
Russell V. Luepker, MD, MS
Charles F. Lynch, MD, MS, PhD
Department of Epidemiology
Alexandre Macedo de Oliveira, MD, MSc
Malaria Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Harvard School of Public Health
Department of Society, Human Development and Health
Lewis H. Margolis, MD, MPH
Department of Maternal and Child Health
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
79B. Maternal and Child Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9I. Varicella and Herpes Zoster
College of Natural and Health Sciences
University of Northern Colorado
Division of Viral Hepatitis
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Health Chemistry
Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
29. Polychlorinated Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans
Associate Professor and Vice Chairman
Department of Health Policy and Management
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
74. The American Health Care System
Department of Environmental Health
Boston University School of Public Health
Bacterial Zoonoses Branch
Division of Vector-borne Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
12D. Epstein-Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis
Patricia L. Meinhardt, MD, MPH, MA
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Environmental & Occupational Health
Drexel University School of Public Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Executive Medical Director
Center for Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Arnot Ogden Medical Center
48. Water Quality Management and Waterborne Disease Trends
Department of Biological Sciences
Université du Québec à Montréal
Larissa Minicucci, DVM, MPH
Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer
Bacterial Zoonoses Branch
Division of Vector-borne Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Eric Daniel Mintz, MD, MPH
Chief, Diarrheal Diseases Epidemiology Section
Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
University of Texas at Dallas
School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences
37. Effects of the Physical Environment
George Washington University School of Public Health & Health Services
Department of Environmental & Occupational Health
Washington, District of Columbia
46. Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Matthew R. Moore, MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Captain, United States Public Health Service
Acting Chief, Bacterial Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Branch
Epidemiology and Surveillance Division
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Immunization Safety Office
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16F2. Hydatid Disease (Echinococcosis)
Pesticide Education Center
San Francisco, California
Robert L. Mott, Jr., LTC, USA, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Preventive Medicine
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
79C. Preventive Medicine Support of Military Operations
41. Workers with Disabilities
Consultant and Program Coordinator
Pacific Health & Development Sciences Inc.
Victoria, British Columbia
76. International and Global Health
Professor of Epidemiology, Medicine & International Health
16E. Clonorchiasis and Opisthorchiasis
16F2. Taeniasis and Cysticercosis
Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health
72. Nutrition in Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Dawn M. Oh, MS Biostatistics
Private Biostatistics Consultant
68. Disabling Visual Disorders
Retinal Consultants of Arizona
68. Disabling Visual Disorders
Sarah C. Oppenheimer, ScM
Housing Services Program Manager
Cambridge Cares About AIDS
Trevor J. Orchard, MD, MMedSci
Professor of Epidemiology, Pediatrics and Medicine
Diabetes and Lipid Research
Professor, Medicine & Pediatrics
Health & Human Services Rep to the Pacific Islands
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
8B. Emerging Microbial Threats to Health and Security
John Adam Painter, DVM, MS
Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16B6. Non-Typhoidal Salmonellosis
Immunization Safety Office
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
K. Michael Peddecord, MS, DrPH
Professor Emeritus of Public Health
Graduate School of Public Health
San Diego State University
78A. Planning for Health Improvement
Corinne Peek-Asa, MPH, PhD
Injury Prevention Research Center
Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16B6. Non-Typhoidal Salmonellosis
Department of Maternal & Child Health
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of North Carolina School of Public Health
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Doctoral Candidate and Pfizer Fellow
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
New Brunswick, New Jersey
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
Department of Epidemiology
17. Opportunistic Fungal Infections
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine
Injury Prevention and Research Center
Department of Preventive Medicine & Environmental Health, College of Public Health
45. Health Hazzards of Child Labor
Head, Bacterial Diseases Program
Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2
U.S. Embassy–Jakarta, Indonesia
18C. Other Intestinal Nematodes
M. Patricia Quinlisk, MD, MPH
Medical Director/State Epidemiologist
Iowa Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
State University of New York at Buffalo
School of Public Health and Health Professions
Mirza I. Rahman, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FACPM
Health Economics and Clinical Outcomes Research
Medical Affairs Centocor Incorporated
Temple University School of Pharmacy
Bryn Mawr Family Practice Residency Program
73. Postmarketing Medication Safety Surveillance
Katharine C. Rathbun, MD, MPH
Preventive Medicine/Family Practice
Christie M. Reed, MD, MPH, FAAP
Travelers’ Health Team Lead
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
8C. Health Advice for International Travel
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Professor and Head, Division of Epidemiology
University of California, Berkeley
18E. Toxic Shock Syndrome (Staphylococcal)
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Southern California
53. Health Behavior Research and Intervention
Edward P. Richards, JD, MPH
Harvey A. Peltier Professor of Law
Center for Law, Science, and Public Health
Louisiana State University Law Center
Elizabeth B. Robertson, PhD
Chief, Prevention Research Branch
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
56. Prevention of Drug Use and Drug Use Disorders
David P. Ropeik, BSJ, MSJ
Consultant in Risk Perception and risk Communication
Instructor in Harvard Extension School Program on Environmental Management
58. Risk Communication—An Overlooked Tool for Improving Public Health
Bacterial Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch
Epidemiology and Surveillance Division
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Harvard School of Public Health
Chief, Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9H. Haemophilus Influenzae Infections
12H. Meningococcal Disease
Public Health Informatics Institute
The Task Force for Child Survival and Development
5. Public Health Informatics
Senior Lecturer on Society, Human Development & Health
Harvard School of Public Health
Henry J. Kaiser Professor of Organized Health Systems
University of California, Berkeley
78E. Public Health Management Tools Evaluation
Charles E. Rupprecht, VMD, MS, PhD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jonathan M. Samet, MD, MS
Department of Epidemiology
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
65. Respiratory Disease Prevention
Head, Department of Infectious Disease
National Naval Medical Center
18C. Other Intestinal Nematodes
Peter M. Schantz, VMD, PhD
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16F2. Hydatid Disease (Echinococcosis)
Arnold J. Schecter, MD, MPH
Division of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Editor of Section III: Environmental Health
Marc B. Schenker, MD, MPH
Professor, University of California Davis Public Health Sciences
29. Polychlorinated Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans
43. The Health of Hired Farmworkers
Helen H. Schauffler PhD, ScM
Professor of Health Policy
Center for Health and Public Policy Studies
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Health Management and Policy
University of Iowa, College of Public Health
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
Instructor of Psychology in Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School at the VA Boston
81. Violence in the Family as a Public Health Concern
Nicole Schupf, PhD, MPH, DrPh
Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain
Columbia University Medical Center
70. Childhood Cognitive Disability
F. Douglas Scutchfield, MD
Peter B. Bosomworth Professor of Health Services Research & Policy
Editor of Section VI: Health-Care Planning, Organizations, and Evaluation
74. The American Health-Care System: Structure and Function
75. Structure and Function of the Public Health System in the U.S.
Jane F. Seward, MBBS, MPH
Chief, Viral Vaccine Preventable Disease Branch
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9I. Varicella and Herpes Zoster
Sean V. Shadomy, DVM, MPH
National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases
Division of Foodborne, Bacterial, and Mycotic Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Trueman W. Sharp, MD, MPH
U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit
79A. Disater Preparedness and Response
36. Nonionizing Radiation
Elaine M. Smith, MBA, PhD, MPH
Department of Epidemiology
Montse Soriano-Gabarro, MD, MSc
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
12H. Meningococcal Disease
Department of Public Health Sciences
3. Ethics and Public Health Policy
52. Human Health in a Changing World
Department of Epidemiology
66. Musculoskeletal Disorders
Donna Spruijt-Metz, MFA, PhD
University of Southern California
Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
53. Health Behavior Research and Intervention
Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer
Bacterial Zoonoses Branch
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Duke University Medical Center
University of North Carolina Curriculum in Toxicology
30. Brominated Flame Retardants
William Stauffer MD, MSPH, DTM&H
University of Minnesota, Department of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases
School of Public Health, Epidemiology and Community Health
13G. Amebiasis and Amebic Meningoenchephalitis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
8C. Health Advice for International Travel
Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry Emerita
Columbia University and New York State
70. Childhood Cognitive Disability
Resident in Internal Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Peter M. Strebel, MBChB, MPH
Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals
Expanded Programme on Immunization
World Health Organization
Director, Center for Risk & Integrated Sciences
Director, Superfund Basic Research Program
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Mervyn W. Susser, MB, BCh, FRCP
Sergievsky Professor of Epidemiology Emeritus
70. Childhood Cognitive Disability
Roland W. Sutter, MD, MPH&TM
Coordinator, Research and Product Development
Polio Eradication Initiative
World Health Organization
Team Leader, Epidemiology Team
Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
15C. Rickettsial Infections
Herbert A. Thompson, PhD, MA, BA
Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Stacy L. Thorne, MPH, CHES
Office on Smoking and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
54. Tobacco: Health Effects and Control
Andria D. Timmer, MA, MPH candidate
6. Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
Tejpratap S.P. Tiwari, MD
National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Maria Lucia C. Tondella, PhD
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16B1. Bacterial Zoonoses-Psittacosis
Department of Epidemiology
University of Iowa College of Public Health
67. Neurological Disorders
Professor, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
SUNY Upstate Medical University
41. Workers with Disabilities
University of SC Keck School of Medicine
53. Health Behavior Research and Intervention
Clinical Professor of Environmental & Community Medicine
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Department of Public Health
Universidad “Miguel Hernandez”
12K. Acute Gastrointestinal Infections
Marta J. VanBeek, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Dermatology
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Don Villarejo, PhD, MS, BS
43. The Health of Hired Farmworkers
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
16B6. Non-Typhoidal Samonellosis
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Health
Harvard School of Public Health
24. Coal Workers’ Lung Diseases
40. Surveillance and Health Screening in Occupational Health
Head, ID Fellowship Program
Orlando Regional Healthcare
18C. Other Intestinal Nematodes
Robert B. Wallace, MD, MSc
Professor of Epidemiology and Internal Medicine
University of Iowa College of Public Health
Editor of Section I: Public Health Principles and Methods
1. Public Health and Preventive Medicine
2. Epidemiology and Public Health
4. Public Health and Population
9K. Pneumococcal Infections
60. Screening for Early and Asymptomic Conditions
67. Neurological Disorders
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
SUNY Upstate Medical University
41. Workers with Disabilities
Department of Environmental Health (T2E)
Boston University School of Public Health
Richard P. Wenzel, MD, MSc
Department of Internal Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
8A. Overview of Communicable Diseases
Melinda E. Wharton, MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Immunization Program
Franklin White, MD, CM, MSc, FRCPC, FFPH
Pacific Health & Development Sciences Inc.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Adjunct Professor, Community Health & Epidemiology
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
76. International and Global Health
Microbiology, Medicine, and Neurosurgery
University of Alabama at Birmingham
12E. Herpes Simplex Virus
East Tennessee State University
81. Violence in the Family as a Public Health Concern
Departments of Internal Medicine, Microbiology and Epidemiology
University of Iowa and Veteran’s Administration
Kathleen S. Wright, EdD, MPH
78B. Public Health Leadership Development
Captain, US Public Health Service
Strategy and Innovation Officer, Coordinating
Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Editor of Section II: Communicable Diseases
57. Community Health Promotion and disease Prevention
Janice C. Zgibor, RPh, PhD
University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology