Milton J. Rosenau was a Harvard man, as was his principal collaborator, George C. Whipple. His successor, Kenneth Maxcy, moved to Johns Hopkins University. When Maxcy was in turn succeeded as editor by Philip E. Sartwell and the size of the writing team began to grow, the center of gravity of “Maxcy-Rosenau” was decisively located in Baltimore: twenty of the thirty-nine contributors to the tenth edition were on the Johns Hopkins staff, and all but two or three contributors were associated with schools of public health. In 1976, the Publisher invited the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine (ATPM) to assume responsibility for the eleventh and subsequent editions. After a search, John M. Last, from the University of Ottawa, was selected as editor. Under his leadership, “Maxcy-Rosenau-Last” evolved in several ways, becoming more comprehensive and international and with an increased number of contributors. Under the auspices of the ATPM, the thirteenth edition was coedited by Last and Robert B. Wallace, from the University of Iowa. Wallace became the editor for the fourteenth edition. The current fifteenth edition has been edited by Wallace with the capable assistance of Neal Kohatsu, now at the California Department of Public Heath. More than 200 authors from diverse disciplines and geographic situations have contributed to this edition. John Last continues to be an active contributor to this volume and to public health in general.
Robert B. Wallace, MD, MSc
Iowa City, Iowa