Introduction to Toxicology
Classification of Toxic Agents
Spectrum of Undesired Effects
Allergic Reactions
Idiosyncratic Reactions
Immediate versus Delayed Toxicity
Reversible versus Irreversible Toxic Effects
Local versus Systemic Toxicity
Interaction of Chemicals
Characteristics of Exposure
Dose–Response Relationship
Individual, or Graded, Dose–Response Relationships
Quantal Dose–Response Relationships
Shape of the Dose–Response Curve
Assumptions in Deriving the Dose–Response Relationship
Evaluating the Dose–Response Relationship
Variation in Toxic Responses
Descriptive Animal Toxicity Tests
Acute Toxicity Testing
Skin and Eye Irritations
Subacute (Repeated-Dose Study)
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity
Oncogenicity Bioassays
Neurotoxicity Assessment
Immunotoxicity Assessment
Other Descriptive Toxicity Tests
Introduction to Toxicology
Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemical or physical agents on living organisms. A toxicologist is trained to examine and communicate the nature of those effects on human, animal, and environmental health. Toxicological research examines the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of action as well as functional effects such as neurobehavioral and immunological, and assesses the probability of their occurrence. Fundamental to this process is characterizing the relation of exposure (or dose) to the response. Risk assessment is the quantitative estimate of the potential effects on human health and environmental significance of various types of chemical exposures (eg, pesticide residues in food, contaminants in drinking water). The variety of potential adverse effects and the diversity of chemicals in the environment make toxicology a broad science, which often demands specialization in one area of toxicology. Our society’s dependence on chemicals and the need to assess potential hazards have made toxicologists an increasingly important part of the decision-making processes.
Different Areas of Toxicology
The professional activities of toxicologists fall into 3 main categories: descriptive, mechanistic, and regulatory (Fig. 2-1). Although each has distinctive characteristics, each contributes to the other, and all are vitally important to chemical risk assessment (see Chap. 4).
A mechanistic toxicologist is concerned with identifying and understanding the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms by which chemicals exert toxic effects on living organisms (see Chap. 3 for a detailed discussion of mechanisms of toxicity). The results of mechanistic studies are very important in many areas of applied toxicology. In risk assessment, mechanistic data may be very useful in demonstrating that an adverse outcome (eg, cancer, birth defects) observed in laboratory animals is directly relevant to humans. For example, ...