RT Book, Section A1 Kandel, Eric R. A1 Koester, John D. A1 Mack, Sarah H. A1 Siegelbaum, Steven A. SR Print(0) ID 1180370213 T1 Symbols and Units of Measurement List T2 Principles of Neural Science, 6e YR 2021 FD 2021 PB McGraw Hill PP New York, NY SN 9781259642234 LK accessbiomedicalscience.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1180370213 RD 2024/09/12 AB Table Graphic Jump Location|Download (.pdf)|PrintCCapacitance (measured in farads).cmCapacitance per unit length of membrane cylinder.CmMembrane capacitance: either total input capacitance of a cell (measured in units of F) or capacitance of a unit area of membrane (F ⋅ cm–2), depending on context.EEquilibrium (or Nernst) potential of an ion species, e.g., ENa, or reversal potential for current through an ion channel.FFaraday’s constant (9.65 × 104 coulombs per mole).GConductance (measured in siemens).gConductance of a population of ion channels to one or more ion species, e.g., gNa.glResting (leakage) conductance; total conductance of a population of resting (leakage) ion channels.ICurrent (measured in amperes). The flow of charge per unit time, ∆Q/∆t. Ohm’s law, I = V ⋅ G, states that current flowing through a conductor (G)is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) imposed across it.IcCapacitive current; the current that changes the charge distribution on the lipid bilayer.IiIonic current; the resistive current that flows through ion channels.IlLeakage current; the current flowing through a population of resting ion channels.ImTotal current crossing the cell membrane.iCurrent flowing through a single ion channel.QExcess positive or negative charge on each side of a capacitor (measured in coulombs).RGas constant (1.99 cal ⋅ °K–1 ⋅ mol–1).RResistance (measured in ohms). The reciprocal of conductance, l/G.RinTotal input resistance of a cell.RmSpecific resistance of a unit area of membrane (measured in Ω ⋅ cm2).rResistance of a single ion channel.raAxial resistance of the cytoplasmic core of an axon, per unit length (measured in Ω/cm).rmMembrane resistance, per unit length (measured in Ω ⋅ cm).VmMembrane potential, Vm = Q/Cin (measured in volts).VrResting membrane potential.VtThreshold of membrane potential above which the neuron generates an action potential.VinPotential on the inside of the cell membrane.VoutPotential on the outside of the cell membrane.ZValence.γConductance of a single ion channel, e.g., γNaλCell membrane length constant (typical values 0.1–1.0 mm). τCell membrane time constant; the product of resistance and capacitance of the membrane (typical values 1–20 ms). τ = Rm ⋅ Cm